CAINConcept-New Orleans- Jimmy Trudeau’s place BBQ Beef Po-BoysJimmy Trudeau’s inside conceptLong time readers will know what this is.Travis’s claw conceptNebraska Park Crime SceneKanaradoHurricane IdentifiersShep’s House ConceptBelinda’s House ConceptBelinda’s House Concept 2Big Bertha- The Tuckus TruckShepard Woodley’s Turquois watchValentino’s Norfolk, NEValentino’s Interior
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The NoteHarper’s Barn Concept 1Barn Concept 2David Koresh’s Engine Block Go GodDavid Koresh’s ’68 CamaroConcept Dakota’s TableConcept Bristol’s Mountain Market Nederland, CO site of hostagesConcept Bristol’s Mountain Market Nederland, CO site of hostages interior